a visit with a pat taylor
We visited an old friend recently, Pat Taylor, who many older members
will remember with affection alongside her much-missed late husband,
the President of the GFS for fourteen years, Dennis Taylor.
Kathryn, myself and Christine Kershaw made the journey to Maltby in
South Yorkshire where we were warmly welcomed by Pat.
Visiting Pat’s home itself brought back memories of the many times
when we held Vellum packing sessions in the Taylor household. Those
involved usually included Kathryn, myself plus Dennis Mitchell who
made the journey from Halifax and Pete, Jenny and Adam Smith from
When the Vellum packing was complete, the barbecue would be lit and
more GFS pals would join us. Then a grand concert would commence
in the double garage at the side of the house and this would continue
for the rest of the day.
These were the days when the conventions were held in the Blackpool
Winter Gardens in what many would agree were the greatest days of the George Formby Society when Dennis and his team took the GFS to
new heights.
Those days are a distant memory but I am delighted to state that when Pat
opened the door to the three of us last week, she greeted us with such
enthusiasm. Pat is fit and well (apart from some mobility issues) and was looking
forward to our visit. We spent a nice afternoon reminiscing over good times (and a
few sad ones).
I have included a few photographs, mostly from Dennis and Pat’s home but also
some from the Pollard household which also opened its doors to the Vellum
packers on more than one occasion.
A Garage?
You might ask, “who would want to
spend all afternoon in a garage?” but
that never came in to it.
The garage used the GFS convention
backdrop behind the ‘stage’ which
Dennis had stored between conventions
and any spaces that did not have chairs,
tables and people in them were screened
It was a great way to release your most
recently learned song on your pals and
the fellowship, food and drink and
entertainment were second to none.