llandudno 2024
The May Bank Holiday Victorian Extravaganza weekend in Llandudno has become a special event for The George Formby Society.
The whole three-day event from Saturday to Monday is just a riot of colour and noise with the town's population exploding with thousands of
extra visitors who are prepared to enjoy all the attractions that the weekend has to offer.
One of those attractions which has become a firm favourite with all are the members of the George Formby Society who play to large and
very enthusiastic audiences at each of their programmed shows throughout the weekend.
The GFS have played at various locations within the town over the
years but are now firmly established on the main stage, right in the
centre of all the attractions. Two forty-minute sessions each day ensured
that the Llandudno residents and visitors were reminded in the best
possible way of just why George Formby ruled the entertainment world
for forty years.
His songs and music are so well received by all that in many ways the
Llandudno Victorian Weekend is now regarded as an important
engagement in our yearly calendar. In short, it offers our Society the
best possible opportunity to introduce younger people and remind those
of senior years, just what George and his banjo-uke are all about.
It must be especially pleasing for GFS President Andy Poppleton who
worked so hard in the planning and preparation of the weekend and
deserves full credit for the total success that the three days brought us.
On that note, it must also be said that members who supported the
event should be congratulated for travelling to Llandudno and allowing their enthusiasm for Formby to spread throughout the large crowds.
Watching from the stage as young and old danced and applauded with such enthusiasm
was most encouraging. It was such a strong reminder that no matter the location or
weather or time of day when a group of people get together in a public place and
perform the best of the Formby repertoire, accompanied by the banjo uke, the watching
crowds are reminded once again of a time when music and song and especially George
Formby music, played such a part in lifting people’s spirits in the dark days of World War
The crowds throughout the weekend grew with each session that we played and their
appreciation grew as well. Even on Monday morning when we were allocated a short,
twenty-minute session and when the town looked more like the normal Llandudno with
far fewer people on the streets for our ten-thirty opening slot, we started the show with
no more than seventeen people in front of us but by the end of the twenty-minute
Formby musical interlude, that number had increased dramatically.
Each of the groups that shared the main stage over the Victorian Weekend must have
enjoyed their time in the spotlight and all were appreciated by the large crowds. I
watched the young ladies dancing and singing, the Welsh choir and the ladies in the
Rock Choir. Everyone was entertained in a very professional manner. I cannot help
thinking though and yes, I am biased, that our group offered that little bit more.
The George Formby Society triumphed once again and most certainly sent the holiday
crowds home with something to think about. Numerous new members were enrolled
over the three-day event and the GFS, away from our usual stage within The Imperial
Hotel, handled our shows in our usual totally professional way.
The Llandudno organisers were delighted with our shows and have already invited us
back for 2025.
PP - 14/05/2024