tony thornton

Dear Members,

I am writing to explain about one of our Honorary Members Tony


A few weeks ago Tony became unwell. Fortunately our editor

and bass player is now on the road to recovery.

However Tony will not be able to attend the November

Convention nor complete the Winter Edition of the Vellum.

I know everyone in our Society would like to wish him well and a

speedy recovery. Although the Vellum, which will be the 100th

Vellum Tony has completed, will be late you will receive a news-

letter through the post.

This newsletter is in addition to the vellum and I hope will keep

everyone in the picture with the Society.

Andrew Poppleton

President - The George Formby Society


Dear Members,

Since the notes above were written, I am delighted to inform you

that Tony Thornton has made an excellent recovery and is happy to

continue as editor of The Vellum and also, happy to continue in his

usual seat on stage in Blackpool with his trusty bass guitar

supporting all the performing artists as a member of the GFS band.

No one likes to hear of illness be it amongst family or friends and I

know that all who are acquainted with Tony within the GFS and of

course beyond it, will join me in wishing him continued good health,

happiness and contentment for many years to come.

Peter Pollard

GFS website



Dear Members,

I am writing to explain

about one of our Honorary

Members Tony Thornton.

A few weeks ago Tony

became unwell.

Fortunately our editor and

bass player is now on the

road to recovery.

However Tony will not be

able to attend the

November Convention nor

complete the Winter

Edition of the Vellum.

I know everyone in our

Society would like to wish

him well and a speedy re-

covery. Although the Vellum, which will be the 100th

Vellum Tony has completed, will be late you will receive a

newsletter through the post.

This newsletter is in addition to the vellum and I hope will

keep everyone in the picture with the Society.

Andrew Poppleton

President - The George Formby Society


tony thornton Home Home

Dear Members,

Since the notes above were written, I am delighted

to inform you that Tony Thornton has made an

excellent recovery and is happy to continue as editor

of The Vellum and also, happy to continue in his

usual seat on stage in Blackpool with his trusty bass

guitar supporting all the performing artists as a

member of the GFS band.

No one likes to hear of illness be it amongst family or

friends and I know that all who are acquainted with

Tony within the GFS and of course beyond it, will

join me in wishing him continued good health,

happiness and contentment for many years to


Peter Pollard

GFS website - 22/04/2022