GFS on bbc look north
Caroline Stewart raises GFS profile


Within the many folders and files that make up the web pages of the George Formby Society, there is one folder simply named "caroline" which contains all the references to the things that this lady has involved herself in since joining the GFS in November 2011.


Believe me when I say that the size of this folder continues to increase quite rapidly as Caroline continues to highlight the Society, her local-based Formby activities and of course her supported charity events which for the last three years have concentrated on raising vital funds and awareness for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Caroline's dear friend and fellow Society member, Lesley Fowkes is a victim of MND and both these ladies have been responsible for generating large funds for their chosen charity.


This week Caroline featured on BBC Look North News when she highlighted the recent success of Matt Richards and his Zoomers, her charity fundraising activities which included the 2018 dive from the top of the Middlesborough Transporter bridge, the GFS and even the GFS website.


Sadly, we have not been able to meet in Blackpool for our quarterly conventions since November 2019 and who can predict as we approach the half-way stage of 2020, just when we will meet again in Blackpool. Lock- down has meant that there is no GFS activity of any description at this moment in time, and yet the Society and its members still manage to make headlines in local and national media outlets including BBC and ITV television.


The coronavirus crisis is a terrible and unknown thing and yet thanks to the efforts of members like Caroline Stewart and Matt Richards and his Zoomers, the name of George Formby can still bring light to a very uncertain and dark period in all our lives. PP 10/05/2020
View Caroline on BBC Look North News
Caroline Stewart raises GFS profile


Within the many folders and files that make up the web pages of the George Formby Society, there is one folder simply named "caroline" which contains all the references to the things that this lady has involved herself in since joining the GFS in November 2011.


Believe me when I say that the size of this folder continues to increase quite rapidly as Caroline continues to highlight the Society, her local-based Formby activities and of course her supported charity events which for the last three years have concentrated on raising vital funds and awareness for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Caroline's dear friend and fellow Society member, Lesley Fowkes is a victim of MND and both these ladies have been responsible for generating large funds for their chosen charity.


This week Caroline featured on BBC Look North News when she highlighted the recent success of Matt Richards and his Zoomers, her charity fundraising activities which included the 2018 dive from the top of the Middlesborough Transporter bridge, the GFS and even the GFS website.


Sadly, we have not been able to meet in Blackpool for our quarterly conventions since November 2019 and who can predict as we approach the half-way stage of 2020, just when we will meet again in Blackpool. Lock-down has meant that there is no GFS activity of any description at this moment in time, and yet the Society and its members still manage to make headlines in local and national media outlets including BBC and ITV television.


The coronavirus crisis is a terrible and unknown thing and yet thanks to the efforts of members like Caroline Stewart and Matt Richards and his Zoomers, the name of George Formby can still bring light to a very uncertain and dark period in all our lives. PP 10/05/2020
View Caroline on BBC Look North News