Stan Evans and his Newsletter

The Newsletter was created entirely by Stan Evans and published from his home in Warrington between the years 1995 to 2005. The fact that he created a monthly magazine and sustained it for 10 years is an awesome achievement. The newsletter might have been intended just for the North West but it was widely read throughout the membership of the GFS. Stan's GFS magazines were always entertaining and these 120 issues of the North West George Formby Newsletter are equally as entertaining and readable.

Web Browsers

The project was originally to be created for DVD to be used on a computer. It was then felt that this would restrict who could view it so it was then decided to create it for viewing on the World Wide Web. All web browsers are capable of displaying PDF documents and each magazine can also be downloaded to the users' computer. I personaly like Google Chrome browser because on each page of the Newsletter there are three buttons, the top button will fit each page in the monitor screen and the other two buttons will enlarge or reduce the page. The project is also available for tablets and smartphones and can be viewed on Apple or PC systems.

Contributors to the project

Various people have helped to make this project happen and without their generosity in loaning the magazines so that I could assemble the complete collection, it would not have happened. I wholeheartedly thank Dennis Lee, Peter Swetnam, Martin Thomas, Neil Forshaw, Joe Sadler, Alan Newton, Pat Ralston, Mike Rotherham, Paul, Elaine and Tony Kenny, Geoff Shone, Arthur Newton, John Bullivant, Mike Barrett and Malcolm Rigby for generously loaning me the magazines. I would also like to thank Stan Evan’s son Stuart, who helped me with a choice of photographs of his father.