I learned this week some sad news about a well known GFS
personality from the 1990’s. Gordon Markendale who made beautiful
instruments for Society members has passed away. I remember
Gordon very well when he first arrived on the Formby scene, at a
time when good instruments were very scarce. Gordon soon changed
all that with his brilliant skills. He created lovely copies of Abbott,
Gibson and Ludwig instruments that in actual fact were probably
made better made than the originals!
If you look at Vellum magazines in the 1990’s, Gordon was very
prominent, with many members praising his skills and boasting that
they had now finally acquired a good instrument without paying a
king’s ransom!.
I can speak from first hand experience when I went to a party at a
ukulele friend’s house around 1992 and I remember Dickie Speake
and Dennis Mitchell arriving with a prototype Markendale Silhouette.
It was played by many people at the party and all were impressed by
the quality, sound and finish of the instrument. I immediately
contacted Gordon and ordered one together with a Gibson UB3 copy
that he was creating. I remember paying £350 for the Silhouette and
£285 for the UB3. I can tell you that I was delighted with my new
ukuleles and felt that for the first time I could hold my head up with
the longer established members of the GFS.
Not only did Gordon make such beautiful instruments, he also
brought down the price of the original classic instruments in the used
instrument market as frankly many people (myself included) thought
Gordon’s were just as good.
Gordon Markendale
Gordon eventually wound down making ukuleles for GFS members
and found his way to a new life in China. I did not know Gordon that
well, but met him at many conventions. He was always much in
demand and at times I thought that he must have been under a lot of
pressure from impatient potential instrument owners. The
instruments he made were top class and I have never met anyone
who was dissatisfied with one.
May I, on behalf of everyone within the GFS, extend our deepest
sympathies to Gordon’s family.
Peter Pollard
08 December 2016